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My English Room (beszélgetős fórum)

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587. 549be03e80 (válaszként erre: 585. - Greentee)
2007. jan. 4. 10:46


Try to educate your insensitive boss, if possible, or may be it too late for her ????:)

2007. jan. 3. 16:49
I haven't boss. I'm at home. I'm playing on the net, and working.
2007. jan. 3. 12:01

First question of the year 2007 from my boss on the 2nd January, at 08.05(!!!!): "What are you busy yourself with?"

I gave the correct answer at the very moment: With nothing.

She hadn't hear a thing like this in her life. Eyes like china dish, eyebrows up... :))

I'm gonna love this year. :)))

2007. jan. 3. 09:41

Hi guys!

We was my for girlfriend. We is watching TV, eating, drinking but no dancing, but this is not problem.

2007. jan. 2. 20:16

Hi guys,

Happy New Year to all!

Greentee, sounds like u had a blast!

We had a party at home with similar music and instead of Tequila, Gin was the order of the night (and champers of course)!

Of course there were the boys with no style who drank beer LOL... but hey, each to their own!

Hope you all have a fabulous, happy and safe 2007!

582. kisgé
2007. jan. 2. 16:09

Hello Everybody,

I join to every member to wish you Happy New Year.:)))

I feel sick and I will stay home tomorrow, but I will be there.

My New Year eve was not very crazy, but it was go.:))

I went to a very exciting and crazy party on 23/12. It was the best of last year I was dancing all night with my friends and I have known some new faces.:))

581. greentee (válaszként erre: 580. - Greentee)
2007. jan. 2. 15:51

"Bon Jovi, Guns n' Roses and Queen etc."

It sounds great, but the boys wasn't there of course, but according to the quantity of the empty bottles... :D

2007. jan. 2. 15:48

Hey, everybody.

I'm not sure... is it spelled like: E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y? :)

This new year's party made my whole year. :))It was great, dance, champagne (And tequila, a whole bottle... oops.), Bon Jovi, Guns n' Roses and Queen etc.

And today, despite those wise people who hang their heads into the loo, I am at work. Such a sad, little life I have...


What about you?

579. 549be03e80 (válaszként erre: 578. - Gaby67)
2007. jan. 2. 10:59


Csatlakozom Abidahoz es en is egy nagyon boldog bekes es szeretettelyes uj evet kivanok mindenkinek, minden almotok teljesulyon,ejfeltol EU tagok vagyunk, szoval remelek egy jobb jovot, kivanom nektek is.Puszi mindenkinek."

Nem erteni....:))))))))))))))))))))( But thanx for the goodwishes,likewise for you!)(Just kidding!!!:))))

578. gaby67
2007. jan. 1. 15:04


Csatlakozom Abidahoz es en is egy nagyon boldog bekes es szeretettelyes uj evet kivanok mindenkinek, minden almotok teljesulyon,ejfeltol EU tagok vagyunk, szoval remelek egy jobb jovot, kivanom nektek is.Puszi mindenkinek.

2007. jan. 1. 10:36


Ezt csak magyarul tudom leirni. Bocsi.

Mindenkinek azt kivánom, hogy egy igazi, újabb éve legyen, ami boldog, szeretettel teli és fantasztikus.

Legyen olyan, amilyennek mindenki megálmodta.

2006. dec. 31. 15:13

Itt az Újév, új jót hozzon,

Régi jónktól meg ne fosszon.

Hogyha új jót nem is hozhat,

Vigye el a régi rosszat!

2006. dec. 31. 14:24
Hi Everybody! I wish you a new year with full of Happiness, good Health and selfconfidence to a higher degree... :))
2006. dec. 29. 15:46

Hello everybody!

My Xmas was very good.

Everybody was happy, we eated, drinked.

I go up 2-3 kgs.

573. 549be03e80 (válaszként erre: 569. - Mociscsaj)
2006. dec. 29. 00:27
It is sooooooooooo trueeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!:)
572. 549be03e80 (válaszként erre: 567. - Mociscsaj)
2006. dec. 29. 00:27

It is sad news Mocis, hopefully not too bad for you.

Christmas was all right and cold, not boiling at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only 1 day 32 degree,since then 17-19 !!!!!!!!!!!!

571. 549be03e80 (válaszként erre: 568. - Greentee)
2006. dec. 29. 00:25
Just one boy!!!me !!!:)))
570. 549be03e80 (válaszként erre: 568. - Greentee)
2006. dec. 29. 00:24

"I swear, I got up 3-4 kgs"

You are not alone Greentee.......:((((((((

Unfortunately my scale showed the same......:((((((

BUT!!!!!! since then extrem hard exercise and diet!!

and voila!!! I lost and back to my usual weight!!! Athough still New Years Eve coming...:(((((

569. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 568. - Greentee)
2006. dec. 28. 13:22
Sounds nice! Mums usually have a way of cooking yummy stuff! Hard to resist though! :-D
2006. dec. 28. 10:44

Hello boyz and girlz. :)

I had a peaceful, boring christmas with hearty meals. Mum cooked. Nothing special, she said. Yep, only 4-5 courses plus the sweets. :)

I swear, I got up 3-4 kgs. So I also have my new year's resolution, guess what! :)

2006. dec. 28. 09:30

HI everyone!

I could barely find the topic it was so far from the top.

How was your Christmas?

Did you enjoy your time off or are you still having time off?

I had to go back to work on the 27th :-((( very sad state of affairs!


2006. dec. 26. 08:30
Isn't everybody here?
2006. dec. 25. 09:31

Hi guy!

It's all right?

I'm very happy! My family was at home yesterday. It's was fantastic.

How are you? I'm fine.


564. 97dd601c1a (válaszként erre: 563. - Ad4c28803a)
2006. dec. 24. 16:45

With you also.

Thank you very-very much for you.

2006. dec. 24. 11:41
Hi. Merry and brightful Xmas for everybody. Have wealth, healt and love in your everyday life and in the new year. :)
2006. dec. 24. 07:04

P. Pál Ödön: Karácsony éjjele

Se hold, se csillag fenn az égen,

Eltünt az éjnek méla boltja;

A bűn a földet, mint koporsót,

Fekete bakacsinba vonta:

Pont sincs, hová reményevesztve

Az ember bús szemét meressze.

De a Sátán lát a sötétben,

S minden gonosz fülébe hallik -

Meghallja Heródes parancsát

S kéngőzös szája röhejbe vonaglik:

,,Lelöktél Isten! Jó, nem bánom,

Hát úrrá lészek e világon!''

Szívekre vág egy kalapácsnak

Izzó szikrát verő ütése...

Halálosnak gondolta minden -

És - halleluja! - mégse, mégse...

Sőt ott, hol a szuroksötét volt,

Kristályosan dereng a mennybolt.

Az Úr szeme villan ki rajta:

Nagy égő rózsa fenn az égen.

Fényében a Három király

Egy rozzant istállóhoz mégyen;

És onnan, onnan gőgicsélve

Hallatszik a kisded beszéde:

,,Azért küldött - Atyám - a földre

Hogy minden bajnak - kútforrását

A gonoszságot - eltöröljem''...

Az édes hang lesujtja a Sátánt,

De angyalkart zendít meg az égen

S hozsannát az ember szívében!

561. 97dd601c1a (válaszként erre: 558. - Mociscsaj)
2006. dec. 24. 07:01
Oh, it'sa very good!
560. 549be03e80 (válaszként erre: 557. - Mociscsaj)
2006. dec. 24. 06:42
That is a huge surprise for me Mocis, so you are a bikee girl???:))) just because the Church where I belong to is is a bikees Church, called Tribe of Juda,an of course 90% Harley Davidsos bikes:) My big dream a bike too, back in Hungary I had Riga,Pannonia,and MZ...
559. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 552. - Kisgé)
2006. dec. 24. 00:43

Have a very Merry Christmaseveryone! I hope you all have a very happy, healthy and safe New Year.

Best wishes to all


558. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 556. - 97dd601c1a)
2006. dec. 24. 00:41

Hi Abida, I'm not sure what you mean by where is the Christmas.

It is summer here in Australia and it is usually quite hot.

In Melbourne we are actually having quite a cool day today, although I am sure that further North Brizzy is boiling!

In Australia people usually party at Christmas time. They get together with family and friends and they eat and drink lots (and they also drink and drink and drink....:-))))

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