Let's talk in English! (beszélgetés)
oh, Fanni is a really pretty name, i like it too:)
well, at first her mother helped me, until some weeks, but now i staying alone with her. it was very scary for me, because, when she shout, i've never known that, why, because she wasn't hungry, sleepy, and her diaper was clean. she miss her mother, you know:) the mother hasn't got job, she stays at home, and looks after her children, cooks etc. however, she often have to go away, to buy something, or for her children, etc. i haven't got brothers. i have got 2 cousins the girl is 1 years old, and the boy is 3 years old.
Fanni és Szandi :)
When I went to England, I didn't want to babysitting little baby, that is very difficult. You are very brave. Have you got a younger sister or brother, or you learned it in the school?
no, not yet. i'm just 18 years old, you know.:)))
i'm looking after a little girl, who is 4 months old too. her name is hanna. she is really awesome, beautiful baby.<3 she has got two sisters, they are 12 and 6 years olds.
you're really fortunate.:) what are their names?
she is two years old. I've got another girl, she is 4 months old.
We give her a backbag, it is look like a ladybird. She is so lovely with it :)
And you? You don't have child, have you?
happy easter to You too.
I don't like speak english when somebody is better than me, so I forget a lot :(
England was nice, but I didn't see to much. I looked after a child (Joshua), he was 5 years old.
That was about five years ago... I m not in touch with them
yes, really, you sent me private messages! i've not forget, sorry!:(
was it good? did it succeed to change a kind family? how many children were there?
but, if you was an au-pair, you picked up quite good english knowledge, didn't you?
yesterday I wrote here, but now I can't find :((
So I lived in England, I was an au-pair
why, it was so terrible?:D i learn that in my grammar school
if it makes you calm, my english knowledge isn't really fantastic too, but i would like to develop that very much.:)))
where did you learn english?:)
this is, what's important...the trying is half of succes, i think...:)
happy easter to you too
well, i hope you will be better soon, and overcame your chagrins.:(
but thanks for the question:)
yeah, it's just the Fast, but it's not matter...:)))
easter arrive soon...
happy easter!
thanks very much!:D
happy easter to You too.
Oh, sorry to hear that...:(
Good luck and all the best!