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Let's talk in English! (beszélgetés)

92. b38fef89a3 (válaszként erre: 87. - Petka)
2009. ápr. 19. 18:58

"And they drive crazy."

Same in Italy! Even if I was speeding, everybody else passed meg - as they were speeding even (a lot) more! Also, for example, there was a big roundabout not far from Udine. There were 5 or 6 exists. Signs said "Udine" for all exits!!! :-)

91. petka (válaszként erre: 89. - B38fef89a3)
2009. ápr. 19. 18:58
Yes, you are right. Perhaps we were at bad place and there are better places. But you should check it.
90. petka
2009. ápr. 19. 18:56
Just a funny thing, when we went to the church, the padre told to someone that "la chica de Polonia" polish girl, and I said "no, yo soy chica de Hungria" Hungarian girl. I hate it. East Europe is not a country and I am not Polish. I am a proud Hungarian with German origin :)
89. b38fef89a3 (válaszként erre: 80. - Petka)
2009. ápr. 19. 18:54
Wow! I didn't know that. Then I will first have to go there for a week and check those parts of the country that are not usually visited by tourists...
2009. ápr. 19. 18:52
Hi all, I think that this topic is extremely useful and interesting! So I want to join :) I'm interested in any theme in connection with real life, experiences, jokes, family, nature...and unfortunately diets. :P
87. petka (válaszként erre: 85. - Haaeen)
2009. ápr. 19. 18:45
At the airport while we were waiting for the flight and in a bar I wanted to help myself, and the waiter told me to sit down (no PLEASE or something else) he was very rude. Or in other restaurant, we were told to sit anywhere else. Never say PLEASE! An officer wanted to send me to my embassy with a document for nothing. But fortunately I called them and I didn't have to go in vain. And they drive crazy. If you are not careful you can die anytime. At first I had to come home to have new documents made because my ID card was valid, but the old type. They would have accepted it, but they refused to accept. It was much money to come home just for an ID card.
2009. ápr. 19. 18:34
Hi everyone
85. haaeen (válaszként erre: 80. - Petka)
2009. ápr. 19. 18:21
Can you write some examples (what was good/bad)? I like reading about real life experiences :)
84. PNóri
2009. ápr. 19. 17:41
I correct myself. welcome (and not well come)
83. PNóri (válaszként erre: 82. - Df2a740c00)
2009. ápr. 19. 17:21
You are well come!
2009. ápr. 19. 16:26
Can I join your group? But I ask you to correct me, if my conversation is wrong, if you are sure in it.
81. petka (válaszként erre: 72. - B38fef89a3)
2009. ápr. 19. 16:25
Yes, Spanish is very useful language. English and Spanish are the most spoken languages in the world. And of course the Chinese.
80. petka (válaszként erre: 74. - B38fef89a3)
2009. ápr. 19. 16:22
In 2002 I started to learn Spanish with a private teacher because I wanted to move to Spain because of a handsome man.:)) But at that time I had no opportunity to move there. It was my greatest dream to live there. Last year my dream came true and I moved to Spain, at first to Palma de Mallorca and then to LLeida (Barcelona district). It was a nightmare. Ok, not really nightmare but I hate to live there. Spanish people are very rude. The country is dirty. There is difference to be there as a tourist and being there for long time. They don't speak english, for example. Crazy country with crazy people.
79. dolores (válaszként erre: 67. - Haaeen)
2009. ápr. 19. 16:15
I don't do that anymore. But you ara right. My English is the American one, as I (have) studied there.
78. dolores (válaszként erre: 65. - PNóri)
2009. ápr. 19. 16:12
OK, later on I changed my mind....and precisely because the reasons you've mentioned.:)
77. PNóri
2009. ápr. 19. 16:01

This conversation is looks like an English lesson. :-))If we correct every single mistake it will be a lesson not a chat. Everybody makes mistakes because we aren't native British or American. The meaning is more important than spelling or grammar. Just use English, talk and feel comfortable!

I'm very happy because our group is getting bigger.

76. haaeen (válaszként erre: 71. - B38fef89a3)
2009. ápr. 19. 12:29
You're correct, I wrote you a post not to be so pessimist :)
75. b38fef89a3 (válaszként erre: 53. - PNóri)
2009. ápr. 19. 02:57
Yes, I do agree! They area a huge help indeed! I use this dictionary: [link] It comes along with a 2 CD application that is just TERRIFIC! (Click the "Take a guided tour of the CD-ROM" link.) I'm certain that it can be bought in the Kölcsey street book shop (see: [link]
74. b38fef89a3 (válaszként erre: 46. - Petka)
2009. ápr. 19. 02:50
Why? Please explain, I am really interested. A few months ago I wanted to learn Spanish and move to Spain ... and I'm not entirely sure that I have given up that plan...
73. b38fef89a3 (válaszként erre: 43. - 0b409e1a00)
2009. ápr. 19. 02:45
If you're very determined it's possible - I think. But it becomes harder and harder to develop your language skills further as you reach more advanced levels. To speak the language as fluent and as nice as native speakers do ... well... for that you will have to live in that country for a few years. (Not to mention the accent... In my opinion, for Hungarians English is a difficult language to master as its sound is totally different. I often heard Hungarians speaking German, Russian etc. that excellent that even native speakers barely noticed their accent. But I extremely rarely heard any Hungarian to speak English without an accent...)
72. b38fef89a3 (válaszként erre: 12. - Petka)
2009. ápr. 19. 02:34
I love the sound of Italian language. But Spanish seems to be more useful as it is more universal. If I had the time I would study both :-)
2009. ápr. 19. 02:26

Sorry, this post should have come first... I'd like to join as well. :-)

Haaeen: Haven't we already met online? Your nick seems familiar to me.

2009. ápr. 19. 02:22
Do not quarreling please. According to me, this forum is just a chance for exercise the language :)
69. correct (válaszként erre: 67. - Haaeen)
2009. ápr. 19. 02:19

What about me? Oh, it's not me. :) I see you wrote: "correct". ;)

Why don't you sleeping? Now I must go sleep cause...if I don't go I'll falling down from my chair :S My brain is walking to the end :)

Good night and sweet dreams :)

68. b38fef89a3 (válaszként erre: 67. - Haaeen)
2009. ápr. 19. 02:17

Yes, but simple past can be used to express a "one-time or repetitive, short term or long term action, series of actions or activity". Thus, I think the original sentence wasn't that much incorrect.

But, if you want to stress the continuity of the activity then the use of continuous past is justified. For instance: "I was teaching in a high school all the time; I barely even had the time to go home and have a decent sleep."

To stick to the original sentence - myself I would say something like these:

"I had been teaching in a high school before I started my maternity leave." -- or ---

"I used to teach in a high school before my pregnancy." (I would especially use this if it happened a long time ago and I didn't want to return to teaching at all.) --- or ---

"I was a high school teacher before my pregnancy." (Simplest version :-))

But this is just my opinion and, of course, I may be wrong.

67. haaeen (válaszként erre: 62. - Dolores)
2009. ápr. 19. 00:15

I would like to correct one part of your sentence, if you don't mind, because it is common mistake, and maybe someone can learn from it: "I taught in a high school" - I was teaching in a high school.

We have to use here past continuous because teaching has duration, it took longer than just several minutes.

66. haaeen
2009. ápr. 19. 00:09
In my opinion we can or should correct each other, because everyone can learn from it. I recomend not just correct the mistake, but explain it, why it is not good.
65. PNóri (válaszként erre: 60. - Dolores)
2009. ápr. 18. 22:13
Hello Dolores! Nice to meet you. I think that the main aim is to use the language. But if you want you can correct mistakes. I'm an English teacher too, but I sometimes make mistakes as you can see below. (eg. When I'm tired or just make typos.) But I'm afraid somebody feels bad if you correct them, or becomes shy or just goes away. I don't know which one is the right way.
2009. ápr. 18. 21:38
2009. ápr. 18. 21:12

OK, nobody's around..that's ok, it's Saturday!

Have a nice rest of the weekend everybody.... :)

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